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AVTF Teacher Training

Funded in Partnership


Completed This Training

175+ teachers

Sessions This Summer

July 8-12 10am-4pm

Registration Updates

Available on CTAERN for AVTF Teachers

Non-CTAE/GA Teachers, contact GFAprograms@usg.edu for information

The Georgia Film Academy hosts a one-week high school teacher training program each summer where teachers receive thorough training that covers every department on a major film and television production. The training is led by industry experts, with industry equipment, on industry locations. It not only includes nine units of curriculum directly aligned to GaDOE standards, but it also provides opportunities to network with teachers and industry professionals from across the state of Georgia.

One-week Training Program

  • At Trilith Studios
  • Funding Available Through CTAERN
  • Led by industry experts

Extensive Retention Program

  • Regular follow-up with AVTF teachers
  • Social forum to share best practices
  • Retention meetings
  • GFA Instructor visits

Nine units of Classroom Curriculum

  • Created by industry experts
  • Aligned to DOE standards
  • Includes lesson plans, PPTs, projects, and more!

Registration is pending CTAERN approval. Anyone who does not qualify will be notified and removed from the roster. Tuition for qualified participants will be paid by CTAERN. Travel funding will be the responsibility of the individual and/or their employing school district.

For those who do not qualify for CTAERN, out-of-pocket registration may be done through the GFA directly.

Please Contact: Secondary Schools Coordinator, Cooper Fiscus-Van Rossum cooper.fiscusvanrossum@usg.edu